The INES project builds on the legacy of previous Norwegian climate modelling projects, and the infrastucture funding is now giving a longer perspective.
The project is headed by Mats Bentsen, researcher at NORCE and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. Co-Project leader: Michael Schulz (MET)
The INES project aims to develop The Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) to better include and cover the challange of climate change in the model predictions.
INES will build on the work and efforts from a network of scientists from several Norwegian institutions.
The network will build up a virtual laboratory for all involved partners – An e-infrastructure for Norwegian Earth system modelling effort.
The project is a collaboration between researchers from different institutions.
- Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET)
- University of Oslo (UiO)
- Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)
- Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC)
- University of Bergen (UiB)
The Norwegian Infrastructure for Earth System modelling (INES) provides the foundation for research of strategic relevance for Norwegian climate science and a basis for international cooperation efforts aimed at better understanding of future climate change and associated mitigation needs.
INES will establish the next generation climate model for Norwegian and Nordic research and will thus provide society and business with the most recent high-quality knowledge base, at a time when climate change is understood and recognized as a primary driver for change in wide socio-economic areas of Norway.
The INES e-infrastructure is financed by Research Council of Norway through the KLIMAFORSK program.