Short biography:
Daniela Domeisen is an Assistant Professor for Atmospheric Predictability at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. She studies the dynamics and predictability of the atmosphere on timescales of 2 weeks to interannual timescales arising from e.g. tropical teleconnections, the stratosphere, the ocean, and the Arctic. She holds a Ph.D in stratospheric dynamics from M.I.T. and a Masters degree from Columbia University with a focus on the impact of climate on society, in addition to positions at Cornell University, Hamburg University, and GEOMAR in Germany. She has private industry experience forecasting commodity prices and her research ranges from atmospheric theory and modeling to applications for stakeholders.
Sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) weather prediction, covering the timescale of a few weeks to several months, are of crucial importance for decision making, e.g. for the harvest of agricultural products and for setting the price of renewable energy. The processes that contribute to predictability on S2S timescales are however still not fully understood, leading to an S2S model prediction skill that is often low compared to short-term weather or long-term climate prediction. This talk will focus on the role of the stratosphere in improving S2S predictions, covering aspects of both the upward (troposphere-to-stratosphere) path in terms of precursors of Rossby wave propagation, as well as the downward (stratosphere-to-troposphere) path in terms of wave interaction and predictability arising from long-lived stratospheric anomalies. Possible pathways to improve S2S prediction will be highlighted.
Arranged date for the seminar talk: Aug 24, 2017