Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Tori Pedersen

Kommunikasjonsrådgjevar/ Communications officer

GFI West wing

Jahnebakken 5

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E-mail: tori.pedersen@uib.no

Phone: +47 91 10 14 40

Climate change affects everything from bathing temperatures to fish health and seafood safety. Many countries along the Atlantic Ocean rely on fish and seafood as their primary food source. Researchers have now taken a significant step closer to an operational climate warning system for the ocean.

Weather and climate services are rapidly developing around the world, however Africa is far behind. Erik Kolstad, researcher at NORCE and the Bjerknes Centre, is the co-author of an article in Nature Communications that looks at the challenges and presents solutions for sustainable weather and climate services in Africa.

Did you know that cyclones can give birth to babies, too? Researcher at the Geophysical Institute and Bjerknes Centre, Clemens Spensberger, has written about what will affect the Easter weather. 

Today, on March 8, we celebrate women`s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. Meet Prachi, Lu and Karljin, three of our talented female researchers who share their experiences about being women in science.