Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Ellen Viste

Rådgiver / Adviser


Jahnebakken 5, Bergen

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E-mail: ellen.viste@uib.no

Phone: 55584393

To know whether emission treaties are complied with, all CO2 must be traceable. Incomplete bookkeeping sent scientists on a search in the Greenland Sea.

The Arctic region heats up more than the rest of the globe. Research suggests ice loss influences winters on the southern continents, though the effect is often overshadowed.

More than a hundred climate researchers meet to discuss research from a Norwegian-Chinese collaboration on climate research.

Yes. But variations off the coast of Florida do not necessarily reach Norway, often attributing its warm climate to the Gulf Stream. A new study questions the coherence of the circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Global CO2 emissions have increased from last year. This brings both emissions and the CO2 content in the atmosphere to a record high.

Storms striking at times of high tides have sent the sea through Norwegian streets the last decades. If the same weather had passed another day, the sea could have risen higher, a new study suggests.