Lu Li
I am a senior hydrologist at NORCE Climate & Environment and a member of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. My work focuses on advancing our understanding of the hydrological cycle—past, present, and future—from local to regional scales. I am particularly interested in hydrological variability, change, and extremes, with an emphasis on uncovering the physical mechanisms that drive hydrological responses. To achieve this, I employ both lumped and distributed hydrological models, the coupled hydrometeorological WRF-Hydro modelling system, advanced statistical methods (e.g., Bayesian approaches for uncertainty estimation), and observation-based analysis. I also work at the interface between regional climate and hydrological models to enhance our understanding of future water-related risks.
Research Interests:
- Glacier and snow hydrology
- Hydrological forecasting and future projections under climate change
- Extreme hydrological events and hazards (e.g., floods)
- Advancing hydrological modeling and prediction frameworks
NORIDIA, WaCyEx, EvoGlac, C-ICE, Hordaflom, CHEX, the EU project of CONFER, the EU project of Impetus4Change, and the FME of RenewHydro.
Women of Cryo II: Lu Li (the blog of the Cryospheric Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union, 2020).
My publications can be found on Google-Scholar.