Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Gudrun Sylte

Kommunikasjonsleder ved Bjerknessenteret med ansvar for eksternt kommunikasjonsarbeid, vår nettside, mediekontakt, møter og samarbeid med andre aktører. 



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5007 Bergen

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Climate-Ocean research and tipping points are common denominators in three new EU funded research projects at the Bjerknes Centre. The project coordinators Christoph Heinze, Noel Keenlyside and Svein Østerhus together with Petra Langebroek received a nice pre-Christmas present, as EU have invited three new projects for funding negotiations. 

– We are part of the delegations, but we are not heard when it matters, Mari Hasle Einang of the Norwegian Children and Youth Council said at the Arctic-Pacific side event at the climate top meeting COP24 in Katowice, Poland

In the Arctic, ice on land and at sea is rapidly decreasing. In the Pacific, island nations are threatened by sea level rise. For people in the tropics and in the Arctic, climate change is real and close. In many ways, these two regions are the frontlines of climate change.

Will European winters be increasingly mild and wet in the coming years? Will climatic conditions be beneficial for Norwegian fisheries and hydroelectric power production? Such questions of large societal importance are at the heart of the emerging scientific field of climate prediction.

Who wants to be out at the freezing cold Nordic Seas in winter, chasing storms? A group of oceanographer wants to, read masterstudent Silje Skjelsvik reporting from the Iceland Greenland Project.