Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Ellen Viste

Rådgiver / Adviser


Jahnebakken 5, Bergen

Profile picture for user Ellen Viste

E-mail: ellen.viste@uib.no

Phone: 55584393

More than a hundred climate researchers meet to discuss research from a Norwegian-Chinese collaboration on climate research.

Yes. But variations off the coast of Florida do not necessarily reach Norway, often attributing its warm climate to the Gulf Stream. A new study questions the coherence of the circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Global CO2 emissions have increased from last year. This brings both emissions and the CO2 content in the atmosphere to a record high.

Storms striking at times of high tides have sent the sea through Norwegian streets the last decades. If the same weather had passed another day, the sea could have risen higher, a new study suggests.

Art can make climate change easier to grasp. As part of a current research project, an exhibition at the Bergen art museum Kode features climate art from Greenland and the Pacific.

A network for young climate scientists brings together disciplines and nationalities from all around the Atlantic Ocean.

The North Atlantic Ocean oscillates between warm and cool decades. A century is too short to show why. Climate models and old seashells will extend the measurement series to the Viking age.