Ellen Viste
Rådgiver / Adviser
Jahnebakken 5, Bergen
E-mail: ellen.viste@uib.no
Phone: 55584393
Calculating future cod in the Barents Sea
15.11.2018, 15:06
The temperature of the subpolar North Atlantic is going lower. This implies decreasing cod stocks in the Barents Sea over the next five to six years, shows study.
Milder winters can reduce Norway’s electricity demand
24.04.2018, 14:04
Norway may need less electricity in the future, a new study of consequences of climate change in Europe shows.
Large variations in the South Atlantic during the last interglacial
11.04.2018, 11:11
During the last interglacial, there were large variations in the circulation in the South Atlantic, both at the surface and at depth. The overturning circulation in the Atlantic was still maintained.
Pacific influences European weather
20.03.2018, 13:02
Sea surface temperature in the distant tropical Pacific can influence November weather in Europe.
Deciphering ancestry in the cyclones' hencoop
05.02.2018, 15:08
On TV weather maps we see low pressure centers as circles resembling tree-rings, with long tails of red warm fronts and blue cold fronts. But what came first – the low or the fronts?