Ellen Viste
Rådgiver / Adviser
Jahnebakken 5, Bergen
E-mail: ellen.viste@uib.no
Phone: 55584393
The hidden cost of planting trees
16.03.2021, 15:47
Podcast: Uncontrolled logging is taking its toll on wildlife and climate. Does planting trees work the other way around?
Twenty years only the beginning
30.11.2020, 11:50
Twenty years ago, there was little talk about climate. Climate scientists barely existed. As the Bjerknes Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, we have more than 200 scientists who all explore the Earth's climate.
The ocean heat transport into the northern seas has increased
23.11.2020, 17:15
Ocean currents have brought more heat into the northern seas after 2001. The northern extension of the Gulf Stream has warmed and probably also strengthened.
A new current on the map
24.10.2020, 15:46
You have very likely heard about the Gulf Stream. The Iceland-Faroe Slope Jet, you have never heard of. This current is the newest one on the map.
Mendel's peas and a rectangle in a sea of CO2
05.10.2020, 11:34
Big data demand new tools. To find out how much CO2 the Atlantic will take up in the future, researchers pick up an old one. The legacy of Mendel.
Arctic warming satisfies criteria for abrupt climate change
29.07.2020, 14:33
A new study shows that the recent Arctic warming compares to abrupt climate change events in the distant past.
Abrupt warming caused ice collapse and sea level rise
20.04.2020, 15:21
Near the end of the last ice age, the global sea level rose 12–14 meters in less than 350 years. New research traces almost half of the ice melt to Norway and the Barents Sea.
Citizen science postponed
24.03.2020, 11:36
Skiers help Harald Sodemann find out where the Norwegian snow comes from. His project planned for this Easter will, however, be postponed till next year.
Greenland ice melt started as early as 1940's
23.12.2019, 13:16
The freshening of the western North Atlantic from ice melt started as early as in the 1940's, new study indicates.
To the Southern Hemisphere in search for westerly winds
11.12.2019, 15:27
Leaving Christmas preparations and northern winter storms behind, geologists from Bergen have travelled to the far south. On the Kerguelen Islands in the Southern Ocean, they will search for the westerlies of ancient times.