Ellen Viste
Rådgiver / Adviser
Jahnebakken 5, Bergen
E-mail: ellen.viste@uib.no
Phone: 55584393
Arktis sett fra to sider av verden
Arktis sett fra to sider av verden
07.06.2017, 14:23
Climate change in the Arctic and the Antarctic was the topic when around sixty scientists from Japan and Norway gathered in Bergen this week.
EVA Svetlana Sorokina
EVA Svetlana Sorokina
24.02.2017, 11:54
MEET OUR YOUNG RESEARCHERS: When Svetlana Sorokina’s mother calls from Siberia and complains about the cold, Svetlana knows one thing: I has probably been unusually warm in the Arctic.
NORTH: Marius Årthun - et tiår på forskudd
NORTH: Marius Årthun - et tiår på forskudd
27.05.2016, 10:58
Without understanding how the ocean and atmosphere interact, we cannot predict climate variations for the coming decade, says Marius Årthun.
EPOCASA: Yiguo Wang
EPOCASA: Yiguo Wang
19.04.2016, 11:55
Whether you want to predict the weather tomorrow or the climate in ten years, you’ll have to know what it’s like today. Yiguo Wang combines observations and models to find out where to start.
Unge forskere: Carina Bringedal
Unge forskere: Carina Bringedal
11.03.2016, 14:22
Carina Bringedal studies the role of the winds in the ocean circulation at the entrance to the Norwegian Sea.